Secret code Disney theme park staff use to describe rude visitors

DISNEY theme parks might be a place where dreams come true for guests, but they can also be a nightmare for the staff.

The behaviour of some visitors can be so bad, workers have come up with a special name to describe them.

If a visitor is particularly rude or disruptive, staff will refer to them as a “treasured guest”, The Sun reports.

It’s necessary because Disney has rules against employees using negative or insulting language in front of customers.

There’s a special name for unpleasant guests at Disney theme parks. Picture: Supplied

And it isn’t the only code used by employees — they also have a secret phrase for other unpleasant incidents.

For instance, when a guest vomits somewhere in the park — a common occurrence when fast rides and fast food are combined — it is called a “protein spill”.

If a protein spill takes place, staff will be called to a “code V” situation.

On the Disney Cruise Line, staff also have a phrase for when someone pees in the swimming pool — it’s called a “Code Winnie”.

There’s a lot that can go wrong in the happiest place on earth. Picture: Jacqueline Nell/Disneyland Resort via Getty Images

But one of the most unsettling phrases is used when a guest illegally tries to scatter someone’s ashes at a Disney park, which happens more often than you’d think.

As the parks are often sentimental places to people, there have been several instances each year of visitors attempting to spread a loved one’s ashes somewhere on site, including on a ride.

When that happens, a “white powder alert” is announced and a staff member is immediately sent to clear up the ashes and the ride is halted.


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