Can You Spot Disney’s 5 “Most Hidden” Easter Eggs?

Disney, D23, Easter EggsWalt Disney Company

Disney is getting into the Easter spirit!

Just head of the holiday weekend, Disney’s official fan club, D23, released a new YouTube video showing scenes from five of the company’s animated movies and shorts that contain five of its “most hidden” Easter Eggs, which mostly include cameos and references to other beloved characters.

In the new film Zootopia, which was released last month, two baby elephants are shown wearing Elsa and Anna’s outfits from Frozen. Guess they just can’t let that movie go, either!

More Easter eggs are seen in the 1961 classic 101 Dalmatians—if you blink, you may miss glimpses of dogs from Disney’s Lady and the Tramp, including the two stars.

Figment, the pink, purple and red dragon mascot of the Imagination! pavilion at Walt Disney World’s Epcot theme park, makes a cameo in 2015 movie Inside Out.

Also, the late Walt Disney himself gets a tribute in the form of an Easter Egg, in a 1938 cartoon.


These five hidden Easter eggs follow many others from past films, which are more apparent. Remember Rapunzel, with her cropped do’, and Flynn Rider attending Elsa’s coronation? (Their presence has spurred a Disney theory spanning multiple films.)

Frozen, Tangled, Easter EggWalt Disney Company

Or how about Belle from Beauty and the Beast walking with her nose stuck in a book in the middle of Paris in a crowd scene from The Hunchback of Notre Dame?

The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Belle, Easter EggWalt Disney Company

And somebody in Lilo & Stitch is a big fan of Mulan. (Lilo & Stitch creator Chris Sanders wrote the screenplay for Mulan).

Lilo & Stitch, Mulan, Easter EggWalt Disney Company


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