Disney World Staff Takes Toy On Epic Adventure Before Sending It Back To Little Boy Who Lost It

Disney World Staff Takes Toy On Epic Adventure Before Sending It Back To Little Boy Who Lost It

“OMG you guys. Disney magic is real!” After you read what Kelly Ramsaran just went through, you’ll understand why she wrote those words on Facebook.

Earlier this year, the Ramsaran family—including Kelly, her husband and their son, Wes—took a spring break trip to Walt Disney World, which ended on a sour note. Wes’s new toy, Slinky Dog from “Toy Story,” had been left behind at the resort. According to Ramsaran, the family was “devastated,” but she eventually got in touch with Disney staffers, who proceeded to work their magic.

On March 14, Ramsaran posted a now-viral Facebook post that goes to show why Disney’s parks are known as “The Happiest Place On Earth,” and that Disney should never be doubted when it comes to making dreams come true.

Sadly, Slinky Dog got lost while the family was shopping at the Disney Boardwalk resort. “Daddy forgot him on a bench inside the store while he and my son played with the pirate toys. We were devastated!” Ramsaran wrote in her Facebook post.

After arguing with her husband and shedding some tears, Ramsaran dialed into her knowledge of “Toy Story” and hoped for a Disney miracle. “I told my son that just like when Buzz and Woody got lost from Andy, they found their way home and Slinky was going to find his way home to us,” she wrote.

Sure enough, later that night, Ramsaran received a call from a staff member at the Boardwalk, notifying her that Slinky Dog had been found and, moreover, that they’d send him back safe and sound for free. The best part? When Slinky Dog arrived at their house, he did so with some new friends, including a new Woody doll and a bucket of toy soldiers, along with a letter and photos showing Wes what a crazy adventure his toy had been on before coming back home!

“It seems like Slinky wasn’t ready for his trip to the Boardwalk Resort to end,” the letter from the staff at Disney’s Boardwalk read. “We found him and some old friends playing around the resort and we hope you don’t mind but they wanted to join Slinky on his journey home!”

But the photos of Slinky Dog hanging out with his pals around the resort might be the best part.

“Slinky came home today!!! With friends!!!! Omg you guys,” Ramsaran wrote in her post, which has been liked more than 200,000 times. “Disney Magic is real!!”


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